
These Six Companion Plants Make The Most Beneficial Neighbors In Your Watermelon Garden


Corn is actually a fantastic companion for watermelon because, as a tall plant, it provides shade for watermelon vines – protecting them from intense sunlight and helping to retain soil moisture.

Additionally, corn acts as a natural trellis, allowing watermelon vines to climb and spread without taking up too much ground space.

Corn thrives in well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter and requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. It also needs full sun to grow optimally.


Garlic, on the other hand, is a powerful pest deterrent thanks to its strong aroma. So, planting garlic near your watermelons can help repel aphids, beetles, and other insects that might otherwise feast on your precious fruits.

Plus, garlic is relatively low maintenance and can be harvested before the watermelons fully mature.

It grows best in loamy soil with good drainage and requires moderate watering to avoid waterlogged soil. It can also tolerate full sun to partial shade.


Radishes are quick-growing root vegetables that can act as a living mulch, suppressing weeds and helping to keep the soil loose and aerated.

Their fast growth cycle also means they can be planted and harvested multiple times during the watermelon growing season, providing continuous benefits.

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