
He Turned His Physical Health Around And Ran A 5K, But His Wife’s Upset That He Didn’t Give Her The Medal He Won From The Race

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is currently married with two kids, and for the past year, he has been on a self-improvement journey.

After he and his wife had their second child, he realized that he was going to be 65-years-old once his daughter eventually headed to college.

“And so if I want to walk her down the aisle, I better change my life. I was pre-diabetic, obese, and had stage 1 hypertension,” he explained.

But, over the past year, he’s been able to lose over 40 pounds. His A1C levels are now normal, and his hypertension is completely gone. Nowadays, he goes to the gym anywhere between two and five times a week, and his physical health has significantly improved.

Additionally, he has completely turned around his ability to run during workouts. Back when he was 19, he actually broke his ankle, underwent two surgeries, and was only able to run for about five minutes before he began suffering “agonizing pain for days.”

Today, he’s able to run for about 20 minutes without experiencing any pain whatsoever.

Anyway, while he was living in San Francisco about eight years ago, he tried to run a 5K race with some coworkers, but it did not go as planned.

“I limped across the finish line in about 47 minutes and was in agony. We have since moved away, but that race always bothered me,” he recalled.

Then, just last week, he needed to travel to San Francisco for work, and it felt like an opportunity to redeem himself. He found out that the San Francisco Marathon was occurring over the weekend. So, he wound up asking his wife if she could stay the weekend in order to run in the 5K race on Sunday.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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