She Agreed To Go On A Trip Paid For By Her Husband After He Cheated And Planned The Vacation To Get Her To Forgive Him, But She Really Has No Intention Of Taking Him Back

If your partner ever cheated on you and tried to buy back your forgiveness, would you take the offer – even if you had no intention of staying with them afterward?
For some, this may seem immoral, while others might believe it’s completely deserved, given the infidelity.
Either way, this woman is currently grappling with the very same question after her own husband confessed to cheating on her.
Apparently, he only did it once – specifically with a coworker. But the guilt was still eating him alive, which is why he ultimately came clean.
Afterward, he also offered to do absolutely anything in order to save their marriage, get her to forgive him, and move on.
“[Like] quit his job or ask for a change of branch, go to marriage therapy, or let me have access to all his devices,” she detailed.
Rather than taking her husband up on any of that, though, she still asked for a divorce, and he was devastated. He refused to accept that they were splitting up, and recently, he took a major leap out of desperation.
Her husband actually planned a surprise trip, bought them both plane tickets, and thought the vacation would be a great way for them both to spend some time together. He claimed that, during their travels, they could “rethink” their marriage together.
“And if it doesn’t work, he will accept the divorce,” she explained.

Fokke Baarssen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Now, when he presented her with this idea, she actually agreed to go on the vacation – just not for the sake of saving their relationship.
Instead, she simply wants to go on a getaway because, a few months ago, she was supposed to go on a trip with her family. However, she ran out of money and wasn’t able to go with them after all.
“I’m really only accepting [his offer] to be able to travel. I really don’t plan to forgive him for the infidelity,” she admitted.
Nonetheless, before she leaves for the vacation, she can’t help but wonder if going away on a trip paid for by her husband with no intention of taking him back would be the wrong thing to do.
Do you think her husband deserves this since he was unfaithful? Could this blow up in her face? Would you want to travel with your spouse after they cheated on you?
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