
Canine Massage Can Relieve Your Pup’s Pain And Boost Their Quality Of Life 

Rasulov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

Massages are coveted commodities for us humans, so you may have never considered giving your dog their own version of this spa treatment.

Yet, a good rub down can actually be very beneficial for any canine, not just pampered pups. Massages are great ways to help your dog deal with pain, recover from injuries or surgeries, and reduce stress.

Here’s everything you need to know about canine massage and how to decide if it’s right for your furry friend.

Canine Massage

Massages for dogs aren’t much different from those for people. They involve manipulating the soft tissue with a range of techniques, including pressing, kneading, and tapping and may increase circulation, reduce pain, and help mobility.

There are psychological upsides as well since canine massage can lower anxiety and stress among our pups.

“Massage is an underutilized but valuable tool to maintain or restore function in your canine companion. Not only does it help reduce pain, make muscles more supple and limber, and assist your dog in returning to activities they love, but it also plays a crucial role in strengthening the bond with your faithful friend,” explained Dr. Sarah Blotevogel, a certified canine massage and rehabilitation specialist.

In terms of temperament, these treatments can keep your pup happy, too. Think about it: if you’ve ever been in pain, was your mood adversely affected? Your dog is no different.

So, canine massage may help mitigate the behavioral changes that come along with physical symptoms, such as lethargy or depression.

Rasulov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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