
Her Husband Gets Criticized For Working In A Grocery Store When All He Wants Is A Less Stressful Career

WavebreakMediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman has a husband the same age as her, and he says he’s nothing short of amazing.

Her husband does it all to provide for her, and he makes her and their marriage his number one priority.

He’s kind and full of love, but everyone has a problem with one thing about her husband: he works in a grocery store.

Her husband’s career causes people to judge him and accuse him of not being “good enough” as a husband.

Her husband went to college for technology and then worked in the industry for some time, but he didn’t like the career. He left and went on to get a job at a local grocery store.

“And he’s happy and less stressed from his previous career field,” she explained. “I can relate as someone who used to work in nursing, didn’t like the field, left, and worked a bunch of jobs over the years until I found my footing in marketing (and now work a great job)!”

“Secondly, we make more than enough to pay our bills and invest in activities that fuel our hearts. He still comes home after every work day, taking care of our family and making sure we’re all happy. The amount of time and energy he spends to cook, clean, take care of me, and tend to our pets is impressive.”

“As his wife, I’m supportive of him working at the grocery store – I get to be with a happy husband who gets discounts on groceries, makes enough money to contribute financially to our well-being, and does everything to bring happiness and peace in our marriage.”

Her husband recently received a raise and is most likely moving into a management role soon, so to her, that’s a hallmark of success.

WavebreakMediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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