Ask Your Partner These Truth Or Dare Questions To Spice Up Your Next Date Night

Date Nights At Home Are So Underrated

Chanelle2000/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple eats dinner together in their kitchen
The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer. I think staying in with your partner is so underrated. First of all, you get to save money on expensive dinners or costly cocktails. Plus, you can actually spend comfortable quality time together without rushing around or dealing with any other distractions.
And Making An At-Home Date Night Into Game Night Is Exciting

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple holds hands on their couch
Some couples choose to fill these cozy evenings by cooking fun meals together or watching their favorite movies. But my favorite is turning at-home date night into game night.
There are countless games on the market, from good old-fashioned Scrabble and Monopoly to classics like chess and backgammon.
However, what if I told you that an iconic middle school game could be the key to connecting with your partner and learning more about your relationship? I’m talking about truth or dare.
Why Not Use Truth Or Dare To Spice Up Your Next Date Night?

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple laughs on their couch while watching a movie
Given its somewhat juvenile reputation, I understand why truth or dare might not be on your radar. But now that we’re adults, we can tweak this game (which requires no tools and is completely free, might I add) to be truly eye-opening and fun.
Asking Your Partner Meaningful Questions Is The Ultimate Bonding Experience

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple hugs
Asking your partner meaningful questions is a great way to spark deep conversations and learn more about what makes them tick. It’s the ultimate bonding experience, and even if you’ve been together for ages, I’m sure you’ll still be surprised at what you learn through this activity.
All you have to do is grab your partner, get comfy, and decide who’s going first. You can volunteer yourself, flip a coin, or play rock-paper-scissors to decide.
Here’s How To Play Truth Or Dare

cherryandbees – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple listens to a record player
Next, whoever’s going first asks, “Truth or dare?” If truth is chosen, they must ask their partner a question. Or, if a dare is selected, you can come up with a hilarious task they have to complete.
Just remember that you can’t take back your selection after it’s picked! So, be prepared to complete anything that comes your way.
Coming Up With Dares Is The Easiest Part

goodluz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple smiles
Now, coming up with dares is probably the easiest part. You could challenge your partner to do something silly, like sing a song, complete a TikTok dance trend, draw a portrait of you in 60 seconds, post an embarrassing photo on social media, or prank call a friend.
You could even have them do an impression of a celebrity, try to make a sandwich while blindfolded, or speak in an accent of your choosing for the rest of the game.
It’s Harder To Come Up With Truths, So Read On For Questions To Ask

Drazen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple looks out the window
What’s arguably harder is thinking of profound questions that can prompt genuine conversations when your partner chooses “truth.” So, we’ve compiled a wide-ranging list for all of your question-asking needs.
Ask These Questions To Reflect On Your Romance

Delmaine Donson/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple stares into one another’s eyes
If you want to get more reflective regarding your romance, you could ask things like: “How did you feel our first date went?” “What is your favorite memory that we share?” or “What’s something you’d love to do more together as a couple?”
Dig Into Your Partner’s Fears Or Frustrations

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above is a couple in their kitchen
You can also get deeper and ask to learn more about your partner’s frustrations or fears. For instance, you can ask what their largest insecurity is in your relationship, ask what they’d change about your relationship, or ask if there’s anything they wished you understood better about them.
Or, Take A More Pointed Approach

oneinchpunch – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple relaxes at home
Some questions can be more pointed, such as, “How do you feel about my family?” “Have you ever lied to me and why?” “Have you ever had a crush on a coworker?” or “What are your thoughts on open relationships?”
Then Go Lighthearted

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple sits at a table together
Others can be more lighthearted. You may want to know your partner’s biggest life goal that they hope to achieve with you, who they view as the most fun out of your friend group, or the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever done to get a date.
To Wrap It Up, Ask About Their Beliefs On Love!

N Lawrenson/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple dances in their kitchen
Finally, you can inquire about their beliefs surrounding love, like whether they think soulmates exist, how they’d describe your relationship in three words, and how they knew they were in love with you.
Warning: It May Get Emotional

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people – pictured above a couple smiles together
Depending on how far you go with your questions, emotions could arise, and things could “get real.”
Remember to be open-minded and try not to get upset if your partner honestly answers a question that you asked.
Plus, you can always redirect the game to be more happy-go-lucky by asking a funny question after a serious one, like “What’s the most scandalous photo on your phone?” or “What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory?”
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