She Got Charged For Crying At The Doctor’s Office, So Not Even Your Emotions Are Safe From Insurance Claims

Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Recently, TikToker Erica (@necktattoo_mama) visited her gynecologist’s office for her annual examination and walked out with a bill for crying.

This is just one example of the wild world of American healthcare. Not even your emotions are safe from insurance claims.

As is standard procedure at a doctor’s office, Erica was asked to step on a scale so her weight could be recorded. Well, it was the first time she had been weighed in a long time, and she did not like the number she saw.

While she was sitting on the exam table wearing nothing but a flimsy paper vest, her gynecologist asked how everything was going.

Erica started crying out of nowhere and explained that she was really upset about her weight. The doctor was “very kind” and “very gracious.”

They talked through some emotional stuff and then went ahead with the physical exam. Everything seemed to be normal, but two weeks later, Erica received an invoice from the gynecologist for $11.

At first, she was confused because her health insurance was supposed to cover 100 percent of the costs for a yearly exam.

But she found out that her doctor had charged her extra for crying, which was linked to a “brief emotional intervention” code. The co-payment for that was $11.

In a comment, Erica wrote, “To clarify, I don’t blame her at all for documenting the service she provided. I think the way insurance works creates barriers to comprehensive preventative care.”

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Many TikTok users shared similar stories about the ridiculous medical bills they received for simply asking questions or filling out the forms they were instructed to complete.

“On my annual, my doctor billed me for mental counseling, too. What counsel did I get? She asked if I saw a therapist, and I said no. She said everyone should. Then, she billed me for it,” commented one user.

“Mine asked me if I had any questions at the end of my yearly. I asked her a question and got billed $82 for an additional ‘office visit.’ Now we do our yearly in silence,” stated another.

“My doctor gave me a questionnaire to fill out regarding the conditions in my home, whether I had enough food, etc. They billed my insurance two cents for each question I answered,” added a third.

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Way to kick me when I’m down ? #insurance

? original sound – Erica

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