She Told A Woman In Their Dog Group That Nobody Liked Her, Which Really Hurt Her Feelings And Caused Her To Leave

This 33-year-old woman lives in Scotland, and she’s part of a dog group where women in their 20s and 30s get together to take their dogs on adventures in remote fields or mountains.
They all get out to explore, make some friends, and hang out with their dogs. Now, where she’s from, it is not a law that you have to keep your dog on a leash, so nobody does.
They’re always out in unpopulated areas, so there’s really no risk for the dogs in their group being free to roam.
Also, her dog is a sheep-herding farm dog who listens excellently when she tells him to come over to her, and the other dogs in their group are equally well-trained to come when their owners call.
A few weeks ago, a woman in her 20s who had recently moved to Scotland from New Mexico joined their dog group.
They all took a walk together with their dogs, and it quickly became clear that this woman doesn’t share their ideas when it comes to training dogs.
“She loudly explained her dislike for what others were doing in the group. I definitely think it’s a mostly cultural thing (she’s from the US; the rest of us are from commonwealth countries now living in the UK), so I do feel bad,” she explained.
“I don’t think she’s a bad person, but her comments about every little thing and her open dislike about things we do differently were apparent.”
“She was giving people advice and telling them things that were definitely not true. Some of the members in a separate chat I had with them talked about how they found her rude and cruel.”

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After that walk, this woman sent messages close to every single day, wanting to see if anyone would like to go out again.
Not a single person in their group replied to her because they found her so abrasive, unlikable, and not someone they wished to hang out with.
This woman had a wonderful time, but nobody else did. She literally sent the exact same text at least five times in the span of a couple of days.
“Eventually, I felt really bad for her and sent her a private message since everyone was openly ignoring her,” she continued.
“I kept it short, saying I just think how we raise dogs is so different, and I think overall, people found it hard to be around because of the comments. I told her I don’t think she’d find much support in the group because of this if I was being honest.”
“She was absolutely heartbroken and said she didn’t even understand, and she left the group. I feel so bad. Should I have kept it in the dark?”
You can read the original post below.

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