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She’s Getting Married Next Week And Not Letting Her Cousin Bring His Girlfriend Because She Always Smells Like Eggs

farmuty - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 26-year-old woman is about to get married next week, and she had her fiancé each have a lot of family members, so their wedding is going to be quite an event.

Her family is so big that she has over 12 cousins alone, and she does want every single one of them to be in attendance.

The cousin that she has the best relationship with is Mike. Not only is he about her age; but he also lives nearby and she’s been able to spend more time with him than her other cousins.

She also has recently met Mike’s girlfriend, Anna, but there’s something about Anna she just can’t get over.

“She’s nice, I guess, but she smells like eggs all the time,” she explained. “It makes her hard to be around, and that stress isn’t something I want to deal with at my wedding.”

She addressed this issue with her fiancé, and she mentioned that she would like to exclude Anna from her wedding by not allowing Mike to have a plus one on his official invitation.

Her fiancé was just happy to go along with whatever she wished to do on her wedding day, so when she mailed out the invitations, she put on Mike’s invite that he was not getting a plus one.

Mike believed that other people in their family also were not allowed to bring a guest to her wedding, but when he found out the truth and that he was the sole member of their family to not get to bring someone, he was angry.

“He asked if there was a mistake, and despite not wanting to deal with his drama, I told him the truth,” she said.

farmuty – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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