
9 Years After This Bubbly College Girl Was Killed After A Night Out, Someone Has Finally Been Arrested In Connection With Her Murder

By 3:40 a.m. Faith texted a man named Brandon Edwards. He used to date Karena, but they had broken up.

Faith’s text to him said, “Hey b. can you come over here please. Karena needs you more aha. You know. Please let her know you care.”

3 minutes later, Faith texted him “than” to correct herself. She meant to put that instead of “aha” it seems.

That was the last time her phone was used.

While Faith was texting Brandon, Karena was trying to call him, but Brandon never answered. At 4:16 a.m. he finally texted Faith back saying, “Who is this?”

Facebook; in the above photo Faith walks through a parking lot with her arms out

Karena then placed a call to another student named Jordan McCrary, and at 4:27 in the morning he came by to pick Karena up.

Karena left their apartment and went to a sleepover at a friend’s house. She explained to the police that when she left, she figured Faith was asleep in her bedroom.

She also left their front door unlocked behind her.

At 11 a.m., Karena came home and found Faith dead.

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