
On A Sunday Night After Getting Ice Cream With Her Friends, She Was Shot In Her Driveway: It’s Been 3 Years And Her Killer Hasn’t Been Caught

“He’s a good kid Sheldon was put in a difficult situation over the holidays drawn into this thing that probably should have been nipped in the bud in 2016,” Mr. Santicola said to Channel 11 about what happened between them.

“On occasion they were romantic,” Mr. Santicola mentioned about the two. “But they were not exclusive or anything.”

Rachael and Sheldon texted and called one another quite frequently. Mr. Santicola also revealed that Rachael told Sheldon that she was trying to expose the police corruption going on in their town and with her investigation.

“We find it far from a coincidence that she was murdered within days of having to testify,” Mr. Santicola added. Rachael was allegedly supposed to testify before her death about the corruption of the police department, though this has been denied by authorities.

Rachael also told Sheldon she was getting death threats, although she didn’t really go into too much detail on that. 

Mr. Santicola said to CBS News, “I think it’s fair to say that he (Sheldon) is a suspect.”

“But there is a cast of characters that all could be considered suspects … I would say her fiancé is a possible suspect.”

Facebook; Rachael wears a black dress and a smile in the above photo

So, let’s take a look at Rachael’s ex-fiancé and what happened there. Rachael was engaged to Frank Catroppa. Frank was quite a successful businessman, even being dubbed the Wolf of Aliquippa at one point.

Frank and Rachael dated for 8 years, but it was on again, off again before their engagement ended. When the police found Rachael and Sheldon together in her car at 2 a.m., she begged them not to tell her fiancé Frank.

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