After Her Deadbeat Boyfriend Moved In With Her He Kicked Her Dog Outside In The Freezing Cold And She’s Asking The Internet If This Is Safe For Her Dog

A woman has a dog that has always slept inside of her house, and her dog has her own bed inside that she sleeps on.

Her boyfriend recently lost the job that he had, and he doesn’t want to get another job right away; he wants to go on a break first.

His parents are pushing him to get another job quickly, so he asked if he could move in with her for several months before he begins looking for another job.

She agreed to let him move in with her, and she figured the relationship she had with her boyfriend wouldn’t change at all after he decided to live with her.

However, she was wrong, and there’s now one major issue in their relationship; her boyfriend thinks she should kick her dog outside to sleep in the freezing cold.

“At first I thought things would be as usual but my boyfriend, after moving in, has been saying the dog has to sleep outside in the garden and he made the dog sleep in the garden though I tend to let her back in when he is asleep when he sees my dog in the morning he gets upset and says it’s not clean for the dog to live indoors,” she explained.

“The problem is that where we are, the temperature reaches -10C during the night and sometimes during the day and we do not have a dog house, I could buy one but in my opinion, it would still be too cold for a dog who is short-haired.”

“Hoping some people here will weigh in who also have dogs and tell me if it’s safe or not for dogs to sleep outside in this weather, my boyfriend says that we domesticated them but before they would have lived outside and been fine so I don’t know if he’s right or not.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

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“Let me get this right. The choosy beggar boyfriend who wants to take a break from working is making demands about the dog who was there first?”

“Open your eyes and evaluate what it is that he brings to the relationship because from your description… not so much.”


“If he’s that concerned make the bf sleep outside until they get a job.”


“Yeah, IMO this is a huge difference in moral values and probably an indicator of incompatibility. The difference between someone who believes animals belong outside and people who don’t is pretty solid.”

“I feel bad for OP because if she stays with him, she’s either gotta let this poor dog suffer from exposure or deal with her entitled boyfriend throwing fits about something he already knew was in place before he ASKED to move in.”

“Lose/lose for her.”

“Your dog is not a wild animal and has never had to fend for itself in this weather, do not leave that baby outside.”

“Your boyfriend is an entitled brat and needs to remember that HE moved into YOUR home. Keep in mind that unless he can get over it, this will always be a problem for you.”


“Don’t choose your lazy boyfriend over your dog. Your dog won’t understand why you left them outside in the cold and will freeze to death. -10C is cold.”

“It’s your place, your dog and you pay the bills. Don’t choose your boyfriend who is tired of working over your dog who won’t understand why they can’t come inside while it’s cold.”

“Give your boyfriend an ultimatum. Either he stops leaving your dog outside or you lock him outside in the cold. Do right by your dog or give your dog to someone that can keep them safe and warm.”

“Don’t stay with someone who treats a dog like this. Just think about what other heartless things he might do because it’s how he thinks it should be.”


“The house is the dog’s house too. It doesn’t sound like the bf is contributing much but being a freeloader if he moved in so he doesn’t have to work.”

“If your dog is like my dogs, they give you unconditional love and are always there for you, and if someone treated my dog like that he would’ve been kicked out right away.”


“Why are you allowing a bum to dictate where your family sleeps? Your dog works hard, loving you & barking for her biscuit, yet you’re allowing a lazy mooch to force her to sleep outdoors in the freezing cold.”

“Also, the indoor dogs I’ve met tend to be cleaner than some people I’ve encountered. Send the boyfriend back to his parents & get the dog a steak with the money you’ll save.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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