He Just Found Out That His Ex-Girlfriend Has Cancer, And He’s Considering Getting Back Together With Her Then Cheating On Her

Ira_Shpiller - stock.adobe.com
Ira_Shpiller - stock.adobe.com

A man recently broke up with his 22-year-old girlfriend around a month ago, and yesterday, his ex was diagnosed with cancer.

His ex then reached out to tell him about this sad news, and although he was pretty shocked to hear about this, his ex did have some things happen to her that now make a lot of sense in light of her diagnosis.

He broke up with his ex in the first place because he felt completely “suffocated” by her.

“We were long distance and she is extremely insecure,” he explained. “She would constantly demand I stay on call for her for 2, 3, sometimes 4 hours. My phone was ringing constantly.”

After he and his ex initially began seeing each other long-distance, it was agreed upon that if they were apart they could see other people in an open-sort of relationship.

He did end up seeing other women when he was not physically spending time with his ex, and his ex did not end up seeing other guys, which led to her not trusting him at all.

His ex then let him know she actually wasn’t alright with him seeing other women in addition to her, and he decided that seeing his ex long-distance wasn’t going to work for him since there was no set date for ending the distance and being together permanently.

“So I dumped her,” he said. “She would call me sobbing at all hours of the day and night for weeks. Eventually, she said never speak to her again.”

“I was happy to oblige. Yesterday she texted me and asked why I haven’t texted her (you told me to).”

Ira_Shpiller – stock.adobe.com

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“She didn’t mention the cancer until I asked because I knew she has had that appointment booked for a while. She starts treatment soon.”

He volunteered to be there for his ex as just a close friend, but she wasn’t happy with that at all. His ex revealed that she wanted to resume their long-distance relationship.

The problem is, he has zero interest in picking up where they left off since she can’t respect his boundaries and he feels smothered.

“She then broke down about how she’s dying and I won’t give her this one thing when she’s done a lot for me (she has done a ton of stuff for me and I am indebted to her in that sense),” he continued.

“Would it be wrong to just say I agree but keep getting with girls on the other side of the world?”

“I don’t want to cause her more stress and I know this will turn into a month-long fight with hours of her calling me sobbing.”

He believes it will be better to agree to be in a relationship with his ex again while he supports her during treatment, even though his heart’s not in it.

He understands the way in which he wants to handle things isn’t exactly the most ethical, but he’s trying to be there for her the best way he can.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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