Her Ex’s Wife Just Sent Her A Message Asking If She Could Have Her Old Engagement Ring

Several years ago, a woman was engaged to a man named Joe, who really wasn’t a good guy at all.

He was narcissistic, abusive, and dishonest. He cheated on her and he tried to manipulate her.

Joe never tried to get help for his terrible ways, even though he had plenty of support encouraging him to do so.

“He had a pretty rotten childhood, but his adoptive parents – “Ned” and “Susan” – were generally good, kind people who had tried their best to help him,” she explained.

“They were kind to me, and had even gifted Joe with their family’s gold to use for my custom-made ring, which also included a diamond from my own family.”

“After a tumultuous couple of years together, Joe and I broke up at the end of 2015. I had to deal with some continued nastiness from him for several months until he was essentially booted from our shared group for bad behavior.”

“Not long after that, I was told that Joe had eloped with another woman – “Jessica” – and moved across the country, closer to Ned and Susan. (By that point, I had lost contact with them, and they had unfriended me on Facebook).”

She certainly was upset to know that there never would be a resolution in her relationship with Joe, but she found comfort in the fact that she never would need to see this guy ever again.

Since things were over between them, she gave her engagement ring to a very good friend of hers. She told her friend that they could give the gold back to Susan and Ned if they thought that would be the best thing to do.

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She didn’t want to have to handle this, because she didn’t want to have to speak to Joe at all after their breakup.

“Fast forward to now, and I’m doing pretty well; my life has had MUCH less conflict and drama, and I’m happily engaged to someone completely different. Life is good,” she said.

“And, I haven’t seen or heard from Joe or anyone close to him…. until today. Today, I received a FB message from Jessica, whom I had never met.”

“She introduced herself as Joe’s wife, mentioning how she was probably the “second to last person [I’d] want to hear from,” but that she a request.”

“She explained that it had been difficult for Ned and Susan to lose their family gold, and that Ned had expressed a desire to get a ring for Susan, as they had sold theirs early on in their marriage.”

Jessica then asked in the message if she could have her old engagement ring; just the band part to return to Ned.

Jessica maintained that Susan and Ned didn’t know she was sending this message, and there was no pressure to reply to her, though she did offer to pay for having the diamond removed from the ring, as well as shipping costs to send the band to her.

She was floored to be reading this message from Jessica, and she has no idea what to do.

Should she reach out to her friend and ask if they still have her engagement ring? She could, but she much prefers telling Jessica she doesn’t have the ring, and she’s also thinking of blocking her from being able to contact her.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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