Her Husband Is Making Himself Sick Filming Eating Challenge Videos That He Puts On YouTube And She’s Getting Really Worried

A 25-year-old woman is married to her 26-year-old husband, and over the last year and a half, her husband has developed a worrying hobby.
He began spending a lot of time on YouTube during the last quarantine period, and he got hooked on these eating challenge videos.
Now, he doesn’t just watch them; he makes them, and it’s causing him to get physically sick.
“It basically involves eating a huge amount of food as fast as possible,” she explained about her husband’s videos.
“There’s a bunch of YouTubers he watches whose videos are along the lines of “100 chicken nuggets in 1 minute” “Eating THIRTY Mcdonald’s hamburgers!!!” “Ramen with EXTREME spiciest sauce in the WORLD!!!” I’m making those up but it’s like that. ”
“They’re done very dramatically to get views. When my husband copies these it’s usually him ordering a massive amount of fast food from a delivery app. Like enough to feed several people.”
“He’s also done it with candy and baked desserts. Whatever the food is, he lays it all out on the table, and just gorges as fast as he can.”
“The living room will be covered in trash by the time he’s done. Afterward, he feels sick for hours. He has thrown up many times.”
Many times, she’s been concerned that her husband had to head to a hospital after doing these challenges because of the pain it caused him, however, he always refuses to go.

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She can’t exactly force him to seek medical attention after he does a challenge, so she tries her best to doctor him up with Pepto.
She’s very worried that with every challenge, there’s a possibility her husband could get a blockage or have something rupture inside of him.
Her husband also always throws up after the challenges too, which she finds upsetting.
When he makes his videos, he always does it very loudly, and it’s always while she’s trying to work in the next room or do a Zoom call.
It causes her to lose focus since she can’t concentrate knowing that her husband is making the videos that will then cause him to get seriously sick.
“Not to mention, the amount of garbage it produces is awful,” she said. “The living room is just never clean.”
“Even if he throws out all the wrappers and containers, there will be crumbs, stains, food spilled on the couch, and floor, and the mess draws ants.”
“The table is permanently sticky and the couch permanently stained. We’ve had roaches for months.”
Another side effect is that her husband has easily packed on 50 pounds, yet he is surprised as to how that even occurred.

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She has brought it up to him that his weight gain is definitely due to the amount of junk he’s now eating, and he doesn’t believe this one bit.
Her husband’s hobby is not healthy at all, and it’s stressing her out to no end, but he won’t stop doing the videos.
They do want to have children, though her husband says he won’t quit the videos even when they have kids.
She’s tried her best to help her husband find a different hobby, like something they can do together, but he isn’t interested in doing anything else.
The only thing her husband likes to do is watch ridiculous videos or film ones. She knows her husband needs to get off the internet and do something else, but he just won’t.
“What can I do or say to have him understand how important it is to stop these challenges and start treating his body better?” she wondered.
How would you handle this?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
More About:Human Interest