Her Sister Lied About Her Fiancé Sexually Assaulting Her And After The Drama That Went Down She Refused To Invite Her Parents To The Wedding

This thirty-two-year-old woman is getting married to her fiancé in March. While this is supposed to be a romantic and thrilling time in her life, the woman is instead consumed by family drama.

Even worse, it all began with her own sister.

The woman’s sister is twenty-eight years old and known by her parents as the “golden child.”

“She could do nothing wrong with my family,” the woman explained, “She is very beautiful and even got away with stealing three of my past boyfriends.”

So, when the woman met her fiancé five years ago, she was understandably reluctant to introduce him to her family. He was exactly her sister’s type. But, after dating him in secret for a year, the woman began to run out of excuses for hiding him.

“I thought if she took him, then it’s better now than after I’ve invested more years with this guy,” she said. So, finally, her sister and her boyfriend met.

“She acted precisely how I expected,” the woman recalled. Her sister was flirty from the start, even though her boyfriend did not reciprocate as past partners had. And, as time progressed, the flirting became even more grossly inappropriate.

“One day, my fiancé told me that he was receiving flirty texts from my sister and even a picture of her in a bra,” the woman said.

She rightfully confronted her sister in their mother’s kitchen. Her sister ran away crying and outrageously claimed that she could take the woman’s boyfriend if she really wanted to.

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Then, her mother sided with her sister and shockingly kicked the woman out of the house. The woman’s mother claimed that her boyfriend was “more her sister’s age anyway.”

Things died down after that for about a year. But then, about three years ago, there was an appalling turn of events.

The woman was out of town when her boyfriend Facetimed her in their apartment. While talking to her boyfriend, he received a ring on their apartment’s intercom. It was the woman’s sister.

She asked her boyfriend to stay on the call. After all, she wanted to see why her sister bothered to show up unannounced and while she was out of town. The sight was not pretty.

“She had a very short dress and heels on and came on to him. I started recording while he told her no multiple times,” the woman said.

“She tried to kiss him numerous times, telling him to at least try before saying no. He pushed her away eventually, and she fell over our glass coffee table.”

Due to the fall, the woman’s sister was badly cut. She began screaming, and the boyfriend called an ambulance. The sister ended up needing stitches from her thigh to her waist.

Following this whole ordeal, which was entirely caught on camera by the woman, her sister ended up accusing the boyfriend of sexual assault.

“My sister pressed sexual assault charges and claimed that my fiancé tried to rape her– unaware that I recorded the whole interaction,” the woman explained.

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“When the truth came out, my fiancé pressed charges for assault and defamation.”

Her sister did not serve any jail time. But, she did have to pay a large sum of money. Afterward, since the sister’s reputation was smeared, she moved to a new town and cut contact with everyone, including her parents. Despite all the evidence against her, the woman’s parents still sided with her sister.

“My parents blamed me for ruining her life and ‘bright future,'” the woman said, “My relationship with my fiancé was also strained since my soon-to-be in-laws thought I brought drama to them and their son.”

Her relationship with her in-laws has since recovered, and she is extremely close with them now. They are even paying for the entire wedding.

Because of all this drama, though, the woman never cared to tell her parents about the engagement or wedding.

“My aunt and two cousins are the only ones who are invited from my side of the family,” the woman said, “We are having a weekend wedding in Tuscany.”

The woman’s parents eventually learned about the wedding through the grapevine and are now seething with anger. They tried to contact the woman via calls and texts, but she chose to not even read the messages. That’s when her aunt reached out.

“She said that my mom is slandering me all over Facebook and has threatened my aunt with boycotting if she attended,” the woman said.

Now, her wedding is rapidly approaching, and the woman is still stuck worrying about dealing with this situation.

“I don’t know if I should continue ignoring them or confront them. This is not easy, and I don’t want it to escalate,” the woman explained.

How would you handle this drama-filled situation if you were in her shoes? Would you let all of this go to possibly gain back a little bit of sanity or stand up for yourself and your fiancé?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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