She Nearly Lost Her Mom And Grandma After Their Truck Rolled Over Them But Her Neighbor Intervened And Saved Their Lives

Hendersonville, Tennessee. An unreal accident has shaken Faith’s life, putting both her mother and grandmother in danger.

It all started when Faith’s mother was getting ready to take her grandmother to a doctor’s appointment a few days ago.

She decided to pull her truck forward a few feet to make it easier for Faith’s grandmother to make it to the car.

But just as she began moving the car, Faith’s grandmother fell down the concrete front steps of their house and began tumbling down the driveway.

Of course, Faith’s mother went to help, but she didn’t realize that the truck was still in drive.

The truck began rolling toward the pair. Finally, it hit them, pinning Faith’s grandmother facedown beneath the car while Faith’s mother’s head rested against its wheel.

“My Mama’s head was the only thing keeping the truck from continuing to inch forward.” Faith wrote.

Thankfully a neighbor heard all the screaming and answered their pleas for help. He could stop the truck from moving, but both women were still trapped underneath.

The neighbor alerted Faith, who was still inside. She brought her boyfriend to the scene, and together they were able to jack up the truck and free her mother and grandmother.

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Though Faith’s mother feared for the worst, the grandmother was only injured and able to be moved to a hospital. But, unfortunately, her mother’s injuries were more serious.

“She will need surgery to re-attach her left ear, she has numerous broken bones in her pelvis and several fractured ribs. As for grandma she is stable and has regained consciousness, she has 4 broken ribs and some internal bleeding that they are working on taking care of.”

Faith is in the difficult position of fundraising to pay a mountain of medical bills, and she shared that her mother is unlikely to walk again for upwards of three months.

The online community has sent their encouragement through thoughts, prayers, and donations, and the family is close to the $5,000 goal. You can read Faith’s story on her GoFundMe.

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