She Thinks Her Boyfriend Is Such A Cheapskate That He Purposely Tries To Get Her To Pay For Everything

A 38-year-old woman has been in a relationship with her 35-year-old boyfriend for the last 6 months, and she thinks that up until now, everything has been pretty much perfect between them.
She really has no issues with her boyfriend….aside from the fact that he’s really weird about, well, money.
She does know that her boyfriend has never been in a serious relationship for more than just a couple of months, and although her boyfriend insists that his exes all left him for various excuses, she’s starting to think the common denominator could be because of how he is about money.
Any time they go somewhere, he insists on paying only half of their bill, even if they just run out for a quick cup of coffee.
Now, her boyfriend does live at home with his dad and he covers half of their mortgage since his mom passed away, but he takes the train to her house and stays with her for a couple of days in a row.
While he’s at her place, she does all of their grocery shopping, but he doesn’t contribute towards this at all.
“He has been giving me a hard time about paying for food as he says he doesn’t want to pay “too much or too little” so often weeks will go by and I previously would have to ask him for the money and now he’s decided to just shop for himself and we will split the cost of 2 shared dinners a week so we can still feel like a couple,” she explained.
“So there’s been several occasions where I felt he should pay and he did not. I don’t mind paying half of everything but I don’t want to pay any more for my BF, obviously.”
“He seems to want me to split the bill with him the bill even when I don’t drink and he’s had 2 beers. I highly doubt he would be suggesting an even split if it was me drinking and not him…”

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“Also another time I paid in cash a bit extra (like $2) for tip and he just deducted the extra off his half !! He was amazed I even noticed that but I had to call him out after. The couple we went with paid the tip too as he had paid none and absorbed mine.”
These are not the only instances though of her boyfriend being a total cheapskate. She has also recently gone to a high-end cafe, where she bought something but her boyfriend refused to buy a single thing because of the pricing.
She wound up giving her boyfriend half of the food that she was eating since she felt so strange eating alone in front of him.
It kind of sounds like he tricked her into paying for his share this time, too!
“He insists he’s not cheap and was very insulted I suggested he was stingy,” she said.
She knows her boyfriend recently came into a bit more money since his dad gives him back $400 every month since he’s spending less time at home.
Her boyfriend claims to need this extra money every month to get himself out of debt, but she thinks he’s just so cheap it’s unreal.
How would you handle this situation? You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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