She’s Been With Her Boyfriend For More Than A Year Now, But She Has No Idea What The Guy Even Looks Like

A 19-year-old woman has been in a relationship with a 22-year-old man for more than a year now…but she has no idea what the guy even looks like.

She’s known her boyfriend for several years, and in November of 2020, they decided to take their relationship to the next level and have a long-distance romance.

Her boyfriend knows every single thing about her and her life, and she feels like she knows everything about him as well, except for how he looks.

She does, however, have a friend that does know what her boyfriend does look like.

Apparently, her boyfriend does not like to show what he looks like and he’s very mistrustful of sharing his information with people because of an incident that happened when he was younger.

“Both of his parents have always been busy with their careers, so he has always been pacified with money to spend on the internet as a child/teenager,” she explained.

“I don’t remember much of what he told me but he said it ended up with someone doxxing him and his father’s company getting in big big trouble (I think it was money trouble too).”

“Ever since that happened, his father had advised him to try his best to be anonymous on the internet.”

“So I know everything about him, where he lives, what his family does for a living, where he studies, what he likes to eat, what games he plays.”

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She constantly speaks to him, and he has revealed to her that she is one of the only people in his life that he’s shared so much information with.

She feels appreciative that her boyfriend has opened up to her so much given his hesitation with normally doing so.

While it really isn’t an issue for her what her boyfriend looks like, her family members and friends are greatly concerned about this.

Her loved ones constantly badger her about what her boyfriend’s appearance is like, and she can’t answer their questions since she has no idea.

She has seen her boyfriend’s shadow a total of one time throughout their relationship, and she has seen his hand two times.

“Every time I try to ask when I can see his face, he either dodges the question/changes the topic or says “IDK,” she said.

“I’m so tired of only having to see him in my dreams with random people’s faces. I try to be not as problematic to him as possible but it feels like he doesn’t take the relationship seriously enough to show me what he looks like.”

“But he tells me that he never sees our relationship ending and that he loves me very much.”

She has also tried her hardest to have serious and deeper conversations with her boyfriend, but he shuts her down and refuses to continue the conversation.

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She’s wondering how she can speak to him and let him know that she does want their relationship to work, but she also wants to see what he looks like after all this time.

How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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