She’s Not Sure How To Break It To Her Brother That She Doesn’t Want To Attend His Destination Wedding In Mexico

One woman has a brother who is planning on getting married in Mexico, but the problem is, she wants to skip her brother’s wedding entirely.

“Our immediate reactions, collectively, were to be very happy for the couple, but also very confused about their choice to do a Mexico destination wedding,” she explained. 

Of course, destination weddings are anything but convenient, especially when guests aren’t given much notice to make plans. But things were escalating too quickly for her.

“They’ve sent an RVSP via email and stated we need to have booking info confirmed at the resort ($500 a night, minimum 3 nights) by end of year.”

Not only is this obscenely expensive nightly fee, but the timeline for booking a cheaper option was just too short.

In addition, her sister, who has two kids, also had to tell their brother that her husband couldn’t come because of a work conflict.

But this kind of news seemed off-limits based on the poster’s earlier interaction with her brother.

He came into her room one night when they were on vacation. He was visibly drunk, and he went off on her, saying that her husband “better come” to his wedding.

She quickly responded that her husband is an adult capable of making his own plans and decisions, but she tried to laugh it off since her brother was drunk.

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When she tried to tell her brother that their parents might struggle to get to the wedding—her father is disabled, and they are also full-time caregivers for hr 11-year-old niece—he immediately called their parents to confront them.

He said that his sister called him handicapped and unable to travel at all, which was a clear exaggeration of their conversation.

Of course, their father said, “Why did she say that?! Who told her that?! I travel fine!”

She’s struggling to make her own excuse to miss the wedding, primarily because it’s not an affordable choice. She and her husband just bought their first home and are struggling with maintenance costs. 

Plus, there’s a lot more to consider before traveling these days. And it seems inconsiderate not to take any of this into account when you expect people to go abroad at the drop of a hat.

She continued, “There are several travel advisories in effect, including those for the pandemic and for crime.”

“If something happens while we are there, we are not risking a quarantine in a foreign country and putting stress on the health of those who live there and have less access to health care.”

Her reasons for missing the wedding sound totally reasonable and honestly more thought through than the wedding plan itself.

But how does she break the news? It seems like she’ll have to lean on logic with this one, which can be tricky when confronting family.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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