
She’s Struggling Financially And Her Boyfriend Is Not, So She’s Starting To Doubt That It’s Fair For Them To Split All Their Expenses Equally

“I also recently had to pay 8k for an unexpected expense that really set me back. I’m not really sure where to go from here. He knows I am struggling financially.”

Her boyfriend continues to tell her that he’s saving his money for their future, but she’s beginning to realize she won’t need his help in the future because once she gets her master’s, she’s going to be making great money.

She really needs her boyfriend to help her out now, not in several years. She does not want to have to ask her boyfriend for help though, and he is completely aware of her financial position.

She was holding out hope that her boyfriend would step up and offer to help her, but so far, he has not at all.

“I also didn’t want to have to ask him for help, he knows my exact position, and I hoped he would offer, but he is still so stingy,” she wrote.

“I don’t know what to do. Maybe this stems from him not wanting me to think I can take advantage of him for money. But heck at this point I feel like he’s been the one taking advantage of me.”

How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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