Teen Doesn’t Return Home After Taking Her Dog For A Walk And When Her Family Went Out Looking For Her They Found Out Someone Shot Her In The Back 22 Times

Houston, Texas. On Tuesday evening, 16-year-old Diamond Alvarez took her dog for a walk down Park Manor Street in Houston, as she did on many nights.

Diamond’s family was back home while she went out alone with her dog, and they heard shots ring out that night in their neighborhood.

Diamond’s mom called her phone to make sure that she was ok, but Diamond did not pick up the phone.

When Diamond’s dog came home without Diamond later that night, her family grew concerned and went out looking for her.

Diamond’s brother was the one who found her lying in the street and someone had shot her 22 times in her back.

Diamond’s mom desperately tried to help her daughter and performed CPR on her. Speaking to KHOU, Diamond’s mom said, “I tried so hard to keep her alive. I couldn’t…I couldn’t.”

Facebook; pictured above is Diamond

Sadly, Diamond passed away right in front of her mom.

One of Diamond’s friends remembered her as being very loving and kind, while Diamond’s stepfather said that she was “a straight-A student” at James Madison High School, which is part of the Houston Independent School District.

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A GoFundMe page created by Brittany Moczygemba to help cover the costs of Diamond’s funeral reads, “Diamond Alvarez was 16 and tragically died due to being brutally murdered.”

“We ask for help to raise funds to lay her to rest peacefully in the most beautiful way possible. Diamond was a very fun, outgoing, outspoken, down-to-earth girl.”

“She loved to dance, doing Make-up was her thing. She planned on going to cosmetology school. Her favorite color was purple.”

GoFundMe; pictured above is another photo of Diamond

“She was an honor student who participated in volleyball, basketball and had many friends who adored her. She loved spending time with her family and always managed to live life to the fullest.”

So far, nobody knows who shot and killed Diamond in such a brutal way, though her family suspects her killer had to have known her.

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