
The Guy She’s Been Seeing For 3 Months Didn’t Get Her Any Gifts For The Holidays Or Do Anything Special For Her So She’s Thinking Of Ending Things

“I felt awkward saying something like that so early on but it’s what came out. And it was built up from other things I had been thinking about. He said it wasn’t his intention and blah blah. I still didn’t come over.”

“I know that things are very uncertain in the beginning stages of a relationship and that you have to be patient and understanding as you both figure things out.”

“But am I being too understanding? No Christmas present. No special night out to celebrate the holiday/New Year.”

Earlier today, he arrived home from seeing his daughters, and he asked if she would like to head to a local arcade to play video games, but there was no mention of a nice dinner like he had promised days ago.

She’s left feeling like it is time to call this quits, but she’s unsure. She is aware that she does not give men the impression of being nurturing, and she is wondering if this is why he is kind of pulling back.

“I also know he likes me but I don’t give him full confidence that I like him,” she concluded.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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