This Plastic Surgeon Went Viral For Testing The Durability Of Breast Implants Versus Butt Implants

Dr. Tony Youn is a plastic surgeon who has taken the TikTok community by storm. His account has grown to nearly 7.5 million followers, where Tony is constantly answering questions, reacting to post-op results, and sharing medical insights.
His most recent ultra-viral TikTok set out to compare the durability of breast implants to butt implants.
If you have ever considered undergoing plastic surgery, you may have wondered how these implants would hold up under a slip and fall.
So, Tony put them to the test for the whole TikTok community.
First, he showed a standard silicone breast implant. These are more transparent and malleable. Then, he displayed a butt implant.
This one appears much more firm and is a medium-blue color.
Tony’s first test was to crush them with his heels. He first stomped on the breast implant, which squished underneath his foot but did not pop.
Tony repeated this on the butt implant, which was not damaged in the slightest either. He called this round a “tie.”
TikTok; pictured above is Tony in his video
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Next, Tony smashed both implants with a hammer. While the breast implant is up, you can hear the hammer hitting the wooden table below it.
Still, the implant would not bust! The butt implant also held up well against the challenge. Again, this round was also a tie.
Tony then tried slamming both implants in a doorway and even bit them with what he called his “sharp a** teeth.” Neither of them burst under the pressure.
Finally, Tony called the entire competition a tie. He also jokingly added that the breast implant tasted better.
While the video was more-so entertaining for Tony’s follower base, who made witty jokes about Kim Kardashian and other Hollywood stars, anyone considering a breast or butt implant can now rest assured.
You can be stomped on, bitten, and even closed in a door– but these implants are not going anywhere.
@doctoryoun Answer @Beads It’s a question that DEMANDS an answer! Which is stronger? #breastimplant #buttimplant
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