She Matched With A Guy On A Dating App Who Proceeded To Body-Shame Her

This super funny Tik Tok creator is an expert at letting all the nonsense roll right off her back.
In a video captioned, “I do not miss being single,” Em Sumners shared some of the heinous things guys have messaged her on dating apps. In one chat, she got the message, “what’s the size of those melons?”
In another, a guy named Mikey asked her to “put the cupcake down” and come to his house. Then he said, “you look like you hide cupcakes in your bedside table,” and proceeded to call her “slightly obese.”
Despite the cruel messages, she decided to make a joke of the interaction and posted it on Tik Tok.
After her first video went viral, she made a follow-up video with her grandmother’s help!
She rehashed the interaction on Tinder and said that when she posted the initial funny video, she found out that “everyone in the comments agrees with him.”
But she flips this negative feedback on its head, sharing the incredible results of her awful experience.
When all this happens, but “you get 2.8 million views and 500k likes for it and get given free cupcakes.”
TikTok; pictured above is Em in one of her videos
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She also had a lot of supportive comments on her videos. For example, when people expressed their disbelief at the unprompted vulgar messages, she responded, “Tinder guys are another breed.” A user then commented, “I was thinking of re-downloading Tinder…thanks for reminding [me] why I shouldn’t.”
Still, Em shared that sometimes Tinder interactions aren’t all that bad, and they can even lead to relationships. She herself is now in one!
“I found a good one on Tinder, been together 2 years now. Sometimes the algorithm is ok and sometimes it gives you Mikey hahaha.”
It’s fantastic that Em can laugh at what she calls “character-building” interactions. But hopefully, guys on Tinder can learn to clean up their act, cutting the fatphobia and instant objectification of women’s bodies. You can check out Em’s Tik Tok videos here.
@emsumners i do not miss being single #fyp #tinder #squidgame
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