Her Boyfriend Kept Hundreds Of Steamy Photos Of Girls He Hooked Up With Hidden On His Phone And She’s Thinking This Is A Deal-Breaker For Her

A 24-year-old woman is currently dating her boyfriend, who is 30, and before they became romantically involved, they were friends for an entire year.
They’ve now been boyfriend and girlfriend for the last 6 months, and they’ve already hit some major relationship milestones in just half a year.
Her boyfriend has been introduced to her family, she’s gotten to meet his family, and they both have recently told each other that they are in love.
“…And I was positive that he was the one,” she explained. “I’d never felt the way I did with him with anyone else in my life, I love him more than anyone.”
“However, just the other night, I was at home when he texted me screenshots of his ‘hidden’ photos folder on his iPhone, and it listing ‘0 pictures’. Then, he texted “I love you, baby.”
She had no idea what her boyfriend was talking about and so, she questioned him on what the meaning of the screenshot even was.
Her boyfriend was plastered when he phoned her up to say that he had kept more than 200 photos of girls that he hooked up with secretly on his phone.
All those photos had been in that hidden folder that he sent her a screenshot of.
A handful of those photos her boyfriend had been keeping secret were previous hookups wearing bikinis or from their Instagram accounts, though the majority of the photos were nudes each girl had sent to him.

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Anytime she was not around her boyfriend, he would scroll through all those photos and take a trip down memory lane.
“The last thing he admitted over the phone to me was that since he loved me, he never wanted to do that again, so he deleted all the pictures,” she said.
“I was so livid, I hung up the phone and didn’t answer his calls/texts for the rest of the night and next day.”
“Once I finally answered, he was sober and accused me of overreacting, saying he never saved pictures of girls he dated, only ones that were random hookups, so it doesn’t mean anything.”
Her boyfriend believed that she would feel excited over the fact that he deleted those hundreds of photos. She once again felt as if she had no idea how to feel or what to say to him, so she asked him to just stop.
“A part of me is happy he was at least honest with me, but another part is disgusted because I could never imagine keeping a folder like that in the first place,” she continued.
She’s in love with her boyfriend, and it hurts to know that he kept all of these secret hookup photos to look at. She feels deceived, conflicted, and like this might be a deal-breaker for her.
She’s not sure if she’s blowing things out of proportion by being so upset by the secret her boyfriend was keeping, or if she has every right to feel the way that she does.
Do you think she’s overreacting or do you think she’s entitled to consider ending her relationship over this?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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