
She Donated One Of Her Kidneys To Her Dying Boyfriend, But Then He Turned Around And Cheated On Her

It’s always awful when you do something so nice for your significant other, only to have them not even appreciate it.

I’m sure you can think of an instance where this happened to you, but whatever your story is, it doesn’t even come close to an incredible act of kindness a young woman named Colleen Le performed for her boyfriend…only to have him do something completely unforgivable to her just months later.

Back in 2016, Colleen found out that her boyfriend was dying, so she did one of the most selfless things a person can possibly do; she decided to donate one of her kidneys to him.

She wasted no time making the choice since he really didn’t have much longer to live and she didn’t want to lose him.

7 months after Colleen gave her boyfriend a kidney, she devastatingly found out that he cheated on her.

“Don’t worry, it’s been over 5 years since I found out he cheated & I have moved on & living my best life,” Colleen wrote in a comment on one of her TikTok videos documenting the act of betrayal.

“But tbh, I can definitely say that period of my life was traumatizing.”

After Colleen shared her story on TikTok, where it quickly went viral, people had a lot of questions for her about what went down with her now ex-boyfriend.

TikTok; Colleen answers a question about if she regrets giving her ex a kidney and saving his life

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