
After 3 People In The Bridal Party Tore Apart His Bride-To-Be, He’s Thinking Of Kicking Them All Out Of The Wedding

puhhha -

A 20-year-old man is engaged to his 19-year-old bride-to-be, and he knows they’re young to be tying the knot, but he’s ready to spend the rest of his life with her.

Now, his fiancée does have a fair amount of issues with her mental health, which she is starting to address.

She’s also been working out, keeping their place clean, and doing something about having her medication adjusted to better help her.

“It’s important to understand that, as a person, my fiancée is the person I fell in love with and want to spend the rest of my life with, and that most of our issues, derive from her brain deciding not to bother balancing her brain chemistry,” he explained.

“Yesterday, one of my close friends called me and explained how two bridesmaids, the best man, the matron of honor, as well as someone else all got together in a group call to talk about my wedding.”

“This turned into a group roast of my fiancée and how she was just trying to trap me, that she’s lazy, and that she doesn’t deserve me.”

Although bridesmaids historically are close to the bride, that’s not the situation for his wedding. His fiancée’s bridesmaids happen to all be his best friends that his fiancée then got close to.

So, since he’s extremely close to all of the bridesmaids as well as the maid of honor and his best man, he was so upset to find out that these people were trashing his fiancée.

All of these people have been friends with him for well over 7 years, so he felt let down to know that they didn’t like his fiancée.

puhhha –

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