Her Boyfriend Has Been Talking About One Of His Female Coworkers Nonstop And She’s Concerned They’re More Than Just Friends

chagin - stock.adobe.com
chagin - stock.adobe.com

A young woman has been dating her boyfriend for more than 1 year now, and about 6 months ago, her boyfriend started a new job.

Her boyfriend will chat about the coworkers he has, but she’s beginning to see that he talks about one of his female coworkers nonstop.

“Over time, I’ve begun to realize although he does talk about other people occasionally there’s this girl that is brought up more often and he talks about her or what they talked about or what she did,” she explained.

While she knows her boyfriend doesn’t text this female coworker that much outside of their group chat of other coworkers, she’s still concerned this girl might be more than his friend.

“I’m not sure if I have reason to be concerned because I feel like if this is a work friend maybe it makes sense that working 40 hours a week around them that they’ll talk about those people, but I also heard that it’s a concerning sign if a guy talks about a female often,” she said.

She’s worried that maybe her boyfriend talks about his female coworker so much because he really does have some kind of crush on her, and their relationship could evolve into more than working together.

Another thing that’s making her feel “insecure” is that her boyfriend spends the majority of his time with his coworkers, including this particular female one, whereas she only gets to see her boyfriend for a bit on the weekends.

She hasn’t yet addressed this whole problem with her boyfriend, but she thinks it’s time to say something to him.

Is it normal that her boyfriend is constantly bringing up his one female coworker, or does she really have a right to be uncomfortable with this?

chagin – stock.adobe.com

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