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Her Future Mother-In-Law Decided To Redo Her Wedding Invitations Without Asking Her First

olegparylyak -

A bride-to-be took to Reddit to air out her grievances involving some stressful wedding planning. What’s one of the most significant sources of her stress? Her fiancé’s family. Especially her future mother-in-law.

This anonymous 30-year-old woman is getting married to her 36-year-old fiancé. She writes about how their engagement has been far from perfect and that it got off to a rocky start because of COVID-19 and its unpredictability. But the pandemic isn’t the only thing to blame for their troubles.

In the two years they’ve been engaged, the groom’s family has been very unenthusiastic and unsupportive.

“For nearly two years they have shown zero interest about our engagement nor wedding,” she explained.

The couple even considered not having a wedding and just eloping due to the lack of “love and support.”

However, because the bride’s family was excited about a wedding, they decided to get back to planning for one.

The bride has struggled to bond with her fiancé’s family since the beginning of their relationship. She even went on an eight-day-long holiday vacation with them and still didn’t feel any love.

She was hoping that during the vacation, they would be able to stir some excitement about the wedding and include them in some planning, but she was unsuccessful.

“The only question my [mother-in-law] had was if there will be hair and makeup for her,” she said.

olegparylyak –

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