
His Girlfriend Heavily Edits Every Single Photo Of Herself And He Hates It

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A 28-year-old man has a girlfriend 2 years younger than him, and as soon as he began seeing her, he realized that every single photo of her looks, well, way better than she does in real life.

“She looks much thinner, her face is significantly slimmer, her nose is smaller, she has zero blemishes, she looks tanner,” he explained.

“At first I was like…she’s really photogenic. After a while I realized she edits most pictures every single picture.”

Although he’s been with his girlfriend for years, he hasn’t taken a single photo of her (or them together) on his phone.

Every time they take a photo, his girlfriend will only let him do it on her phone so she can clearly edit all the photos later.

If his girlfriend texts him a selfie or intimate photo, she heavily edits all of those too. While he appreciates his girlfriend thinking to send him photos, he absolutely despises that they’re all edited.

He knows what app his girlfriend uses to edit her photos since he can see the name of the app in the name of the photos his girlfriend sends to him.

“I hate to put it this way, but if we’re being blatantly literal, she looks about 25% “hotter” in pictures because of this editing,” he said.

“My girlfriend is stunning. She is seriously gorgeous. Truly the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes.”

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