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She Found Out That The Guy She Met On A Dating App Is Married, And She’s Wondering If She Should Tell This Guy’s Wife What He’s Been Doing

Vasyl -

A 19-year-old girl recently began speaking to a guy in his 30s that she met through a dating app.

She never wanted to see this guy in real life and had no intention of ever taking things off-line. She just wanted to send some steamy texts to him and have that be as far as things ever got.

So far, she’s been talking to this guy for an entire month now, and every single day she’s sending steamy texts back and forth with him.

This guy has repeatedly asked her to travel to the city where he lives so they can take their relationship to a physical level, but she has never taken him up on that offer.

“I do not want to meet him and I never will,” she explained. “This is just texting. Today we were having a deep conversation…and he mentioned his wife?”

“I was obviously shocked because I had no idea he had a wife. He then proceeded to tell me he also has a 2-month-old DAUGHTER.”

“This man really does not seem like a married man with a daughter.”

This guy then claimed that his wife is completely aware of him texting women that aren’t her, and allegedly she’s ok with it all since it makes him happy.

He then insisted that his wife will keep being fine with them speaking still as long as they never meet one another in real life and as long as he doesn’t cheat emotionally on her.

Vasyl –

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