
These People Opened Up About Close Run-Ins With Death That They Had, And Their Stories Are Frightening

The Hospital Staff Accidentally Overdosed Them 

“I had neurosurgery in 2015. I woke up in the recovery room and, in an effort to control my pain as I woke up, the staff accidentally gave me an overdose of narcotics.”

“They lost all of my vital signs and had a difficult time bringing me back.”

“When I woke up, I was in torturous pain and asked why. I was told I had an allergic reaction to narcotics and that I would only be given Tylenol for the duration of my recovery. I was in so much pain during my hospital stay that I started hallucinating and sometimes lost consciousness from the pain.”

“I later found out the truth. And, I am definitely not allergic to narcotics, by the way.”


They Had A Close Encounter With A Rattle Snake

“I almost stepped on a Mojave rattlesnake when we were miles away from civilization and nowhere near a road.”

“The snake was nestled in some big rocks that made a little hole in the ground. I was going to step there because it looked cool, but right before I did, I had a sixth-sense sort of feeling. I trusted my gut and eventually spotted a baby Mojave rattler right where I was going to step.”

“This was one of the few times I have experienced my instincts protect me like that.”

“Plus, I was a child at the time, and it was before everyone carried cell phones. So, if I got bit, I would have been in serious trouble. They are one of the deadliest snakes in America.”

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