
She’s Getting Married In Exactly One Week, But She’s Nonstop Thinking About Her Ex-Boyfriend

Ulia Koltyrina -

It’s completely normal to reminisce on how your life used to be. Especially when it comes to the people we knew and were back then.

While most of us would like to forget about our exes, they often pop up at the most inconvenient times in our life.

I mean, imagine being a week away from your wedding date and running into an ex. It doesn’t seem like the ideal way to start the party, especially when they bring up old feelings.

This 27-year-old has just experienced this exact scenario.

She broke up with her ex six years when she was 21, and he was 20 due to a strain on their relationship from her parents.

Her boyfriend had just totaled his car and accepted an unpaid internship, and while they were both broke, her parents were less than supportive.

While they were both in college trying to make it work, her parents threatened to stop helping her pay for her degree if she decided to keep seeing him.

After realizing the relationship wouldn’t last with the pressure of her parents, they broke up, and she moved home and eventually met her fiancé.

Since the relationship ended well, they decided to stay friends and keep in touch.

Ulia Koltyrina –

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