
These People Opened Up About The Moment They Realized Their Childhood Dreams Were Unattainable

This Former “Child Genius” Found Solace Through Helping Others

“I, too, was a child genius. I just was not very motivated. Everything in school bored me, and people did not expect much from me. I wanted to be a doctor, but I flunked out of pre-med due to a mental breakdown.”

“But, I set my goals smaller, and I am almost done with paramedic school. Now, I get to be there for someone on the worst day of their life. I cannot think of anything else I would rather do.”

“My legacy is going to be helping people. I will be a blip in the big scheme of things. But, to the people I meet along the way, I will be something more– the person who was there when they needed it.”

“It is not much, but it is honest work that gives me pride to wake up to.”


This Man Realized He Can Make A Difference Through Parenting

“I used to think I would do something really special, too. I am forty-one now, have a good job, but I will never do anything special.”

“I will, however, put everything I have into being a father and a husband. If I can raise my boys to be good men– good future husbands and fathers– then maybe I can help make this world a little better.”


This User Was An Opera Singer

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