
This Dog Has A Very Rare Blood Clotting Disorder And Her Owner Is Hoping To Raise Enough Money To Get Her Treated

Jillaine Henry, Honey’s owner, gave us an update on March 10th. 

“They started the increased steroids and immunosuppressant meds yesterday and her platelets have gone up from 10,000 to around 35,000-40,000. Still low but Vet says they are breathing better about this and are not as worried about spontaneous bleeding.”

The bruising around her belly has also cleared up tremendously!

“Honey’s white blood cell count is still dropping (hence suspicion of bone marrow producing issues) so they are starting her on a chemo drug as well. She does not have cancer though!”

Overall, Honey has no signs of additional bleeding, no fever, and is back to eating her food like normal!

Honey has kept up her spirits throughout this process and is just as playful as ever!

While things are looking up for Honey and her family, the road to recovery is never an easy one. Her family appreciates your love and support! 

Jillaine says it best, “We just have to keep praying, manifesting, and sending all of the good vibes to Miss Doodle.”

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