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He Gave His Girlfriend’s Sister A Victoria’s Secret Gift Card That He Found In The Park For Her Birthday And His Girlfriend Thinks This Is Inappropriate

His girlfriend figured that his gesture meant that he “secretly” desired her sister in some way.

“I told her she needs to stop being so ridiculous and that I had nobody else to give the gift card to,” he said.

“She then said I could’ve given it to somebody else to which I said she’d probably have the same if not worse reaction if I gave this to a female friend. She pouted and then said not to talk to her.”

Well, his girlfriend turned around and told her friends about the birthday present incident, and her friends began texting him to say that he really needed to “be a better boyfriend” to her.

He thinks his girlfriend’s friends really need to stay in their own lanes, but he is wondering if it was wrong of him to gift his girlfriend’s sister the gift card in the first place.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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