
Her Boyfriend Comes From A Lot Of Money But She Doesn’t, So She Feels Like She Doesn’t Fit Into His Life

Drobot Dean - - Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old woman has been in a relationship with her 30-year-old boyfriend for close to 1 year now, though she has known him for 3 years total.

She thinks her boyfriend is wonderful, and she can see herself walking down the aisle with him one day.

Currently, her boyfriend is completing grad school, so they decided to move to his hometown. Well, his hometown is really a major city, and she’s feeling a bit overwhelmed by how big it is.

She is glad that she made the move to be with him, and she’s been getting to know a lot about who he was when he was younger.

“I’m freaking intimidated,” she explained. “His family is very well off. They’ve lived in different countries during his childhood, were able to travel to any country they pleased, he went to a rich kid summer camp in Switzerland, they moved back to the states and they lived in a fancy neighborhood with a huge house.”

“Recently, he started talking to an old high school friend and asked if I’d be down to have dinner with her and her boyfriend. This chick is also loaded (they met at the Switzerland camp) and she’s from the UK and just impressive as a human.”

She didn’t grow up how her boyfriend did at all. She’s from a tiny town, and she lived on a farm. Her family didn’t have money at all and they never got to really go on vacation because of that.

She’s never left America, let alone jet-setted around the world, and she feels that her life pales in comparison to that of her boyfriend and his rich friends.

“Don’t get me wrong, I had a fantastic childhood, a close family, and hey, I can brag that I know how to operate heavy farm equipment,” she said.

Drobot Dean – – Illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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