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She Cheated With A Married Man Who Got Her Pregnant, But He Ghosted Her After She Gave Birth So She’s Thinking Of Just Going To His House And Telling His Wife

prostooleh -

A 37-year-old woman met a man a year young than her a few years ago, and they became fast friends.

She felt incredibly supported by this guy as she navigated some rough waters in her life, and she tried to be there for him when he needed her.

This guy was someone she leaned on as she dealt with her own husband’s infidelity and the loss of her newborn son.

Things progressed and got physical between them around 3 years ago, and at the time, he was already engaged to another woman.

After this guy friend of hers officially tied the knot, the physical relationship she had with him “mostly” fizzled out.

“It was clear we couldn’t just be friends so I cut things off completely for about a year,” she explained.

“My husband has cheated throughout our whole marriage (we’ve been separated several times) so I wasn’t too concerned about my spouse’s feelings regarding the situation (my spouse is fully aware of this situation when I told him we were opening our marriage).”

Well, during the pandemic, she rekindled things with her guy friend, who was surprisingly unhappy in his own marriage.

The fact that they were both miserable and married gave them a lot to talk about.

prostooleh –

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