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He Told His Wife If She Expects Him To Bake For Her, He Wants Her To Pay Him To Do It

deagreez - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old man has been married to his 30-year-old wife for the past 5 years. Together, they have two little girls who are 1 and 3.

Their lives are pretty overwhelming with running around after their little girls. Thankfully, his wife has an excellent job, and a really wealthy family, so he has been able to quit his job to stay home with the girls.

He thinks that being a stay-at-home dad is the best job that you can have, but he is able to spend some downtime still working from home in his industry, so it’s the best of both worlds for him.

He spends time with his girls, and he gets to still continue working at something he enjoys too.

“Anyway, over time I have become more interested in baking,” he explained. “My sister-in-law introduced me to the hobby and we bake together as and when we can while watching the kids (in order to help each other and have the cousins bond we usually jointly co-parent at each others’ houses).”

Most recently, he and his sister-in-law have been really into making fancy desserts and over-the-top things.

Not only does his wife love these kinds of desserts; his sister-in-law does as well. His wife and his sister-in-law began sharing the desserts with their friends and their coworkers too.

But, his wife expects him and his sister-in-law to keep baking all of these fancy and time-consuming treats on a regular basis.

While his sister-in-law is thrilled to accommodate his wife’s wishes, he’s really not, because it entails him stopping his part-time job.

deagreez – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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