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Her Son Accused Her Of Being An Awful Grandma To His Kids After She Bought A Present For Her Daughter’s Cats

insta_photos - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

An older woman only really had her son John and her daughter Amber because she felt pressured by her family, and she felt pressured by society to do so.

Although having children wasn’t really her first choice, she bent over backward to be the best mom she knew how.

“John and Amber were very good kids and I did everything I could for them,” she explained. “Kissed boo-boos, told fairytales, held them through scary tantrums, helped with homework, made sure they were fed, educated, and protected.”

“But once they moved out I was just so relieved that it was over. I could finally find out who I was without society frowning at me and expecting me to be someone.”

John and Amber’s dad has since passed, so it’s her and her children. She does spend the majority of her time with Amber, as John has a family and she only sees him once a month.

John has gone on to have three young children, and she admits that she hasn’t been that thrilled about taking on the role of grandma.

“I’d hoped to be done with the burden of young children,” she explained. “But I do my best. Amber does not have kids, but she has a dog and a cat she loves.”

She refers to Amber’s pets lovingly, and she always goes out of her way to pick up small presents for them when every holiday comes around.

Apparently, John has a problem with how she treats Amber’s pets, even though she does also buy gifts for his children for the holidays and for their birthdays.

insta_photos – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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