
Instead Of Being Given Milk At School One Day, These Kids Were Handed Floor Sealant In What Appears To Be An Accident

Halfpoint - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A typical Tuesday morning at a summer childcare program quickly became a nightmare after the students were accidentally given a hazardous chemical instead of milk during their morning breakfast service.

On June 14th, during the RALLY summer childcare program at the Eeti Shaanax Glacier Valley Elementary School in Juneau, Alaska, kids ranging from ages 5-12 were lining up to receive their morning breakfast trays which include a cup of milk.

Not long after some students were served, complaints of the milk tasting off and burning throats began to arise. Staff soon discovered that the “milk” they were drinking was actually a liquid floor sealant resembling milk.

How did this happen?!

Before the incident, a shipment of four containers of shelf-stable milk and one mistakenly placed container of liquid floor sealant were delivered to an off-campus warehouse where school supplies are stored.

The container of floor sealant and other food products had remained untouched until that week when the program began to run short on milk, and staff had to retrieve some from the warehouse.

The containers of shelf-stable milk were brought to other schools in the district, while the floor sealant containers were delivered to the RALLY program, where an employee poured the liquid into cups to be served at breakfast that Tuesday.

When the students began complaining about the substance, staff immediately ordered them to stop drinking it and removed it from the cafeteria.

But sadly, twelve students and two adults had already consumed up to 3 ounces of the liquid floor sealant.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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