
She Asked A Guy If They Could Reschedule Their Third Date And Then He Ghosted Her

nuzza11 - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 21-year-old girl began chatting with a 22-year-old guy through a dating app, and it was going so great that they ended up meeting in real life and going on 2 dates together.

She thought both of their dates were nice, and she also thought that they were getting along better than expected.

“Both of them went really well – we totally clicked, and both agreed it was the best dates either of us had ever been on,” she explained.

“We texted a couple of times a day every day for the past week and a half or so, and had a third date planned for yesterday.”

“Three days before our planned third date, I texted to let him know that I wouldn’t be able to make the time we had planned because I was needed to help out at home that night.”

Although she had to cancel their plans, she did wonder if they could go on their third date another night.

It’s also worth pointing out here that on their first date, he was the one who had to reschedule since he forgot that he had already made plans to do something.

So, he was perfectly fine having to reschedule on her, but when she did the same thing, he completely ghosted her.

Days after she had asked about rescheduling, she still had not gotten a reply from him, so she decided to send a follow-up message wondering if he was alright.

nuzza11 – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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