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She Kicked Two Girls Out Of Her Car For Being Nasty To Her And Forced Them To Take A Bus Home In The Early Hours Of The Morning

“Few minutes pass until the girlfriend’s friend asked if I’m “the b-word that stole her loooooove”, which spiraled into them going into a rant about everything that is wrong with me in their eyes, including how my boyfriend could do better,” she explained.

“I told them that they are quite brave, considering the state they are in (completely wasted) since I’m driving them home and I can decide to just drop them off if they continue. They dared me to do so. So I did.”

She found the closest bus station, pulled over, and demanded that both of the girls get out of her car that minute.

The girls didn’t take her seriously, so she shut her car off and waited. As the minutes ticked by, her boyfriend got ticked off, and he yelled at the two of them to leave.

The girls got out, while her boyfriend’s best friend made an effort to disagree with making the girls wait for the bus.

Her boyfriend took her side and said that because it’s her car, she’s allowed to do whatever she wants to do.

Her boyfriend then told his friend he was welcome to get out too and wait for the next bus, and this guy did.

The very next day, the alcohol had worn off and so had her boyfriend’s willingness to back her up. Her boyfriend is now accusing her of being a jerk for making everyone get out of her car.

“I was told that the girls were drunk, so I shouldn’t take to heart what they were saying and that by dropping them off at the bus stop I’ve put them in unnecessary danger,” she said.

“He is going on about it for the past few hours, to the point when I don’t know if I really did the bad thing and should apologize.”

Do you think she owes these girls an apology, or do you think it sounds like they owe her one?

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