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She Revealed To Her Niece The Truth About Her Parents And Her Family Is Furious With Her For Not Keeping The Secret

“Before Kim died she and I made a series of videos for Laura to watch at her big moments and I told her that if she ever wanted to watch any of them I’d send them,” she continued.

“Laura asked me to send some and then I heard nothing from her for days.”

Right after Laura went quiet, she received a phone call from Tom and Jane, and they were beside themselves.

Tom and Jane accused her of destroying their picture-perfect little family. It turns out that as soon as Laura saw the videos that Kim had made for her, she went right to Tom and Jane to get the truth from them too.

It seems that Tom and Jane had no choice but to finally admit what they had done to Laura’s face, and she moved right out of the house after that.

Now, Tom and Jane aren’t the only ones who are furious with her; all their loved ones are too.

Do you think she should have kept the family secret from Laura?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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