
A Groom Had To Scramble To Reorder His Fiancée’s Wedding Dress After Her Grandmother Was Accidentally Buried In It

But, before they could tell the truth, Kasia received the most coincidental call ever.

“It was like clockwork. Twenty-four hours before that, the bride called me and asked how hard it would be to enlarge the dress. She had ordered a size eight and thought she was going to be about a fourteen or sixteen by the time of the wedding,” she said.

If you could not have guessed, the bride found out she was pregnant– and needed a new dress anyway.

“I told her it was a mermaid dress and that we could not enlarge it that much. I asked what was going on, and she was pregnant,” Kasia explains.

Even more fortunately, the bride was “thrilled” about needing a new dress, and her family came clean after all. Somehow, this insanely wild situation worked itself out perfectly by the end. Perhaps it was all meant to be.

And to watch Kasia’s three-part TikTok video series about the whole ordeal, you can visit her account linked here.

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