After This Woman’s Husband Continued To Bully Their Daughter, She Had Enough And Got Another Hotel Room During Their Caribbean Vacation

BullRun - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
BullRun - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

While raising children with a spouse, it is inevitable to have differing opinions over parenting. But, one woman has had enough of her husband’s behavior toward their daughter.

The couple has been married for decades and raises their seventeen-year-old daughter named Annie together.

But, the woman recently opened up about how, for some reason, her husband has a problem with virtually everything Annie does– from her wardrobe and music choices to chores.

“He has deemed her irresponsible when that is farthest from the truth. She has a summer job and makes good grades. Honestly, she is kind of a hermit for her age,” the woman explained.

And while her husband’s actions have been rubbing her the wrong way for a while, the woman finally decided that enough was enough.

She and her husband traveled to the Caribbean together on their first solo vacation as a couple in over ten years and left Annie home alone.

Instead of a trip filled with relaxation and romance, though, the woman decided to leave her husband after he yet again reprimanded Annie for nothing. And the argument all began over a water heater.

“Unbeknownst to me, my husband set the water heater to only refill once a day while we are gone,” the woman said.

So, after Annie did some dishes and laundry, the hot water ran out. Annie only discovered her home’s freezing cold water after taking a shower and went into panic mode.

BullRun – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“She was upset and thought it broke. So, she called us,” the woman recalled.

Rather than calmly explaining the situation and reassuring Annie, though, her dad erupted in anger.

He apparently screamed at Annie for being irresponsible and wasting the hot water. It got so bad that he even made her cry.

Seeing her husband treat their daughter like that infuriated the woman.

In fact, she cannot recall ever being this angry during their entire marriage.

The woman ended up telling off her husband and underscoring how lucky he is to have a daughter like Annie.

Her husband did not receive her anger well, though, and the pair ended up arguing the entire night.

Then, the following day, the woman decided to get up and leave their resort. She traveled to a little hotel down the street and told Annie to ignore her father’s calls.

At this point, the woman is done with her husband degrading their daughter.

However, she is also unsure if the decision to leave their expensive vacation spot only escalated the situation.

“My husband is mad about the wasted money on this vacation. But, I still cannot stand to even look at him over an argument about something so stupid and preventable,” the woman reasoned.

If you were in her shoes, would you have reacted the same way? At what point do spouses need to point their foot down and defend their child against unnecessary shaming?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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