Before Meeting His Girlfriend’s Mom, He Looked Her Up Online, Only To Realize He Had Hooked Up With Her Several Times Before He Met His Girlfriend

Izabela Magier - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Izabela Magier - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 38-year-old guy began dating a 26-year-old girl, and they spent 5 months together before she asked him to meet her family.

The day before he was supposed to finally meet his girlfriend’s family, he decided to look them all up online to see what they would be like.

It really was stressing him out to take their relationship to the next level like this, but what he found when he looked up his girlfriend’s mom made his heart sink.

As soon as he saw photos of her mom, he realized that he had hooked up with her multiple times last year after meeting her on a few dating apps.

He had only met up with his girlfriend’s mom for the physical aspect of things, and when they stopped seeing one another, they didn’t have any bad blood between them.

Knowing that his girlfriend got envious over things like being friends with his exes still on social media, he was not sure how to break this news to her.

He paused to consider it might be best to reach out to his girlfriend’s mom before meeting her officially, yet he decided against handling things that way.

Instead, he chose to tell his girlfriend before meeting her family.

“I told her that I went out with her mom before and just found out,” he explained. “She asked if we did anything, and I said yes. She actually didn’t ask when yet. She sort of laughed and said that is so (messed) up.”

Izabela Magier – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Although his girlfriend thought it was strange that he had hooked up with her mom before dating her, she still insisted on having him meet her entire family the following day.

Before they did spend time with his girlfriend’s family, his girlfriend confronted her mom, who said nothing ever happened.

Even after his girlfriend’s mom declined to tell her the truth, his girlfriend chose to believe him instead.

To make this situation even messier, his girlfriend’s mom told his girlfriend’s siblings that he was lying about them hooking up, which definitely made meeting the family for the first time more awkward.

His girlfriend’s siblings brought the subject up when he did get to meet them all, and his girlfriend showed them all the messages he still had exchanged with their mom as evidence.

“The mother was clearly embarrassed that her kids were making fun of the situation,” he said. “She then claimed she must’ve just forgotten, so I had some jokes thrown on me on how I must’ve been forgettable.”

“Don’t think anyone truly believed her, though. Her brothers ended up being cool, and one actually added me on social media, and we hung out twice.”

So, even though there was a silver lining to one of the most bizarre situations someone could ever find themself in, his relationship with his girlfriend ultimately ended.

His girlfriend’s mom’s friend found out and went around “gossiping” about it to everyone, which in turn did hurt his girlfriend.

Last week, his girlfriend broke up with him after spending some time pulling away from him.

“Still friends though; never unfriended on social media, and she still randomly texts me stuff since, like asking what I’m doing and memes,” he continued.

“I went to a baseball game with her brother and his wife and coworkers on Saturday after. Strange situation…but got a dude friend out of it.”

“He even wants to introduce me to someone, but I told him that his sister is still texting me, so he probably should hold off. I won’t be going to any family get-togethers anymore, though, lol.”

Do you have a crazier dating story than this one?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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