Her Husband’s 16-Year-Old Sister Wanted To Wear Her Unique Wedding Dress For Her Prom Night And She Refused, So Now Her In-Laws Want Her To Help Pay For The Dress They Had To Buy

stivog - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
stivog - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 25-year-old woman tied the knot with her husband last year. For her wedding, she opted to wear a very unique dress that definitely was outside the norm for what most brides choose for their special day.

“I got a big light yellow dress and a beautiful strappy top with lace,” she explained. “The dress was gorgeous, and of course very expensive. This was definitely my dream dress.”

Now, her husband does have a younger sister who is 16, and his sister’s prom is coming up pretty soon.

While she was at a family dinner the other day with her husband, her husband’s family let it slip that they could not find a prom dress for his sister that didn’t cost an arm or a leg.

She pointed out that her husband’s family isn’t exactly rich, but they are definitely not considered poor either.

So, back to that family dinner; she was shocked that they were complaining about the cost of a prom dress, but she was happy to offer up options they could go with to save money.

She told her in-laws to check online, or at thrift stores, and she personally used to participate in pageants and would resell her dresses after the fact at a great price.

She figured without much looking, they could at least snag someone’s former pageant gown as a great prom dress too.

In response to her great suggestions, her in-laws maintained that they had already looked online and through thrift stores without any luck.

stivog – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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She sympathized with them and wished them success in trying to find a good option before prom and she thought that was that.

About 14 days later, her in-laws extended another invitation to have dinner at their house, and as soon as she and her husband arrived, she noticed his sister looked pretty down in the dumps.

Figuring this girl just had a rough day while at school, she ignored her and they sit at the table to have dinner.

Over dinner, her mother-in-law piped up that her husband’s little sister was so unhappy, as she had her prom to look forward to in just 3 days, yet she still couldn’t find a dress.

“I expressed my condolences, and told her that I could maybe help her have some last looks around,” she said.

“That’s when MIL said “Oh, I have an idea, (my name), why don’t you let (SIL) wear your yellow dress. I could probably get it tailored in time.” My SIL immediately perked up – and I felt like I was ambushed.”

“I looked to my husband but he just shrugged. I politely told them I was sorry, but the dress was very special to me, and also SIL and I are quite different sizes. It would fall off her.”

Her mother-in-law then pushed her about tailoring her wedding dress to fit her husband’s sister, to which she said no.

There was no way she was parting with her wedding dress, let alone allowing her husband’s sister to wear it to prom.

Dinner ended early that evening, and her husband’s family was nothing but furious with her for not wanting to give up her wedding dress.

Even her husband couldn’t understand why she declined to do this. She later logged onto social media and there in front of her was a photo of her husband’s little sister in a blue-colored prom dress.

“I commented saying I’m glad she got a dress, she looked great, and I hope she had a good time – and I got a comment back asking me for my portion of the dress,” she continued.

“They have now told my husband I am responsible for either reselling the dress and getting them half back since I have experience with that, or help pay for half.”

“I told them that was ridiculous, but my husband told me to just do it. I told him I’m not going to be pushed over, and he ended up leaving for three days to his mom’s.”

Her husband is still not backing her up, her in-laws are saying terrible things about her, and they are also accusing her of nearly destroying her husband’s little sister’s prom.

She’s left wondering if she really should have allowed her husband’s little sister to wear the dress, or if she should help her in-laws now sell the prom dress they do have.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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