Her Sister Wants To Announce Her Pregnancy At Her Wedding Because She Got Proposed To At Hers

reniuca - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
reniuca - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This twenty-eight-year-old woman has not had the best relationship with her older sister. Her parents got divorced when they were very young. So, the pair did not spend much time together growing up.

Things did change once both sisters hit their twenties, though.

They were finally in similar stages of their life since they both got into serious romantic relationships.

In turn, the sisters were able to bond easier and actually became quite close for a few years.

Eventually, the older sister got engaged to her high school sweetheart, and the woman was over the moon for her. She believed she had never seen her sister so happy.

Then, tragedy struck on the wedding day. The woman was hit with a surprise and accidentally stole her sister’s spotlight.

“My dumb ex-boyfriend proposed to me at my sister’s wedding– needless to say, I had absolutely no idea. I rejected his proposal and ended up leaving him,” the woman explained.

Still, even though it was not her fault, the woman’s sister was furious. In the sister’s eyes, the wedding she had dreamed of for years was no longer as special.

And the woman understood– almost too well.

reniuca – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I felt so bad that I ended up giving her around half of what she paid for the wedding. It was a little much, I know. But, when you have your whole family against you, you will do anything for things to go back to normal,” the woman said.

A few months after the wedding fiasco and the big payout, the woman’s sister did eventually come around. Their bond was strengthened again, and the woman even met her now-fiancé.

They are set to be married in just a few weeks, but now the woman is feeling some nerves. Not about her fiancé, about her sister.

The sister has begun making jokes about announcing her pregnancy at the wedding. And, given what happened at the last wedding, the jokes were funny at first.

But, two days ago, the sister apparently made it very clear that she was not kidding.

“My mom called me and said my sister was going to announce that she was pregnant during the speeches part of our wedding to get back at me for what I did during hers,” the woman said.

Immediately, she texted her sister and called her out for the unfairness. The woman believes she, nor her current fiancé, are to blame for how her ex-boyfriend stupidly decided to propose at a wedding. She also threatened to disinvite her sister if she did not drop it.

Since the confrontation, the sister has been speaking to multiple members of the family and calling the woman a bad sister for both ruining her wedding and not letting her get a bit of revenge.

“I get it; it must be hard to have that happen at your wedding. But, how should it be my fault?” the woman reasoned.

Nonetheless, her father and brothers still think she is being petty. Thankfully, though, the woman’s fiancé is on her side.

They have contemplated disinviting her from the entire wedding day or just not allowing her to attend the reception.

But, the woman is still lost about what to do.

Would you allow the sister to get revenge at your wedding even if the proposal was not your fault and you already paid her nearly fifteen thousand dollars? Or should she be disinvited immediately?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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